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Monthly Archives: September 2017

Why You Should Optimize Your Website

An optimized website means that it is structured, coded, designed, and has content published in a way that will allow Google to rank…
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Grow your Business with AdWords. Now with Google Optimize + Google Surveys 360

Do you think your PPC campaigns aren’t optimized to the fullest? How much is your ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)? What is your…
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Get more Customers with Pay-per-Click

Pay-per-click (PPC) is an internet marketing advertising model where businesses or individuals who want pay a certain amount of money every time your…
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5 Reasons You Need Digital Marketing

Customer behavior has changed. Now they go online to research and evaluate brands, products, and services. Your potential customers have gone digital, and…
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Are You Wasting Money? What is Your Customer Acquisition Cost?

Your Customer Acquisition Cost or CAC is the total cost spent on acquiring new customers (marketing/sales expense) divided by the number of new…
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